WhatsApp Formatting: How To Write In Bold, Italics And Strike-Through On WhatsApp

WhatsApp formatting
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How to bold text in WhatsApp

It is still difficult for many people to understand how WhatsApp formatting works. The following steps will help you write in bold, italics, and strike-through in WhatsApp.

In terms of Instant Messaging apps and clients for mobile operating systems, WhatsApp Messenger is one of the leading players. Despite the addition of voice and video calling over the years, the app’s core functionality remains text messaging. The WhatsApp formatting options for text messages, however, are not widely known.

How To Write In Bold On WhatsApp

Bold formatting is often used heavily in the text to highlight important points. A shortcut can be used to write bold text in WhatsApp, and the WhatsApp formatting option can also be used.

Below is a guide on how to write in bold in WhatsApp. In WhatsApp messenger for Android and iOS, this method is universally accepted:

  1. To write in bold in WhatsApp, you must begin the text with an ‘*’ (asterisk).
  2. It is then necessary to enter the text that you want to be bolded into the text box.
  3. Once you have typed the text, you can enclose it with ‘*’ (asterisk).

If you follow the steps correctly, the recipient’s end will display bold formatting once the message has been sent. There would be no display of the asterisks used for formatting.

How To Write In Italics On WhatsApp

In the same way that Bold highlights unique and essential parts of a text, italics do the same. With WhatsApp formatting, there are two ways to use italic text; one is to use the shortcut, and the other is to use the formatting option.

The following is a guide on how to write in italics in WhatsApp. WhatsApp’s Android and iOS counterparts accept this method universally:

  1. WhatsApp requires you to prefix text with a ‘_’ (underscore) without a space between the underscore and the text you want to format in italics.
  2. You must then type in the text you wish to format.
  3. The text can be followed by an underscore (_) without adding a space between the text and the underscore.

Upon sending the message, the recipient should see the text in italics once you have followed these steps. There would be no display of underscores used for formatting.

How To Use Strike-Through In WhatsApp

Strike-through tells the recipient that the text with Strike-through formatting has been ignored or erased. In WhatsApp formatting, Strike-through text can be used either using the shortcut or the WhatsApp formatting option. You can use Strike-through in WhatsApp by following the steps below.

  1. If you want to use strike-through in WhatsApp, you must prefix the text with a tilde without a space between the tilde and the text.
  2. Enter the text you want to strikethrough.
  3. Once you have typed the text, you can enclose the text with another ‘~’ (tilde) without any space between the text and the following tilde.

Once you send the message, it will appear strike-through formatting at the recipient’s end if you follow these steps correctly.

How To Write In Monospace Font

Text messages can also be written using a different typeface or font in WhatsApp. This article was written using WhatsApp’s Monospace font, which is the only one that supports writing text. You can write Monospace font text using WhatsApp formatting in two different ways.

One way is by using the shortcut, and the other is by using the WhatsApp formatting option. The following is a guide on how to write in a monospace font in WhatsApp. WhatsApp’s Android and iOS counterparts can both be used with this method:

  1. To write in Monospace in WhatsApp, you need to prefix the text with ‘“`’ (3 backticks) without any space between the backticks and text.
  2. Enter the text that you want to be displayed in Monospace.
  3. Once you have typed the text, you can enclose the text with ‘“`’ (3 backticks) without any space between the text and the following backticks.

Once you send the message, it will appear in Monospace font if the steps are followed correctly at the recipient’s end.

How To Format Your Messages

How To Format Messages on WhatsApp

WhatsApp allows you to format text within your messages. It is not possible to disable this feature.

Can I Use All The WhatsApp Formatting Options In The Same Text Message?

The same text can be formatted in multiple ways in WhatsApp. By selecting the type of WhatsApp formatting the user wants or manually adding these formatting layers, the user can add multiple formatting layers to their message.

WhatsApp formatting options can be applied to different sections of the same WhatsApp message and the same part of the text message. You cannot use other WhatsApp formatting options for the same text if you use Monospace font formatting.

Can I use Underline In WhatsApp?

On both Android and iOS devices, WhatsApp formatting does not support underlining. However, WhatsApp automatically detects certain text types and underlines the required information. As of this writing, WhatsApp automatically detects and underlines mobile numbers, websites and hyperlinks, dates, and other information.

Can I Use Different Fonts In WhatsApp?

It is not possible to change the default typeface/font in WhatsApp for Android or iOS. However, WhatsApp formatting can use a Monospace font rather than the default one to break up the monotony. WhatsApp users can only change the font of their message through WhatsApp formatting from the default font to Monospace.


WhatsApp users can bold messages to draw attention to content that contains significant information. Effective highlighting lets the reader identify the key passages before proceeding with the rest of the message.

We hope this article was helpful. Let’s have your feedback in the comment section below.


How to Bold a Text on WhatsApp?

To make a text bold, you need to place an asterisk (*) on both sides of the text. For example, This is a sample text to make text bold on WhatsApp.

How do you write in colour on WhatsApp?

You can only alter the font size in conversation threads. WhatsApp for iPhone and Android also allows you to use bold, italics, strikethrough, and Monospace text. However, changing the colour of the text isn’t possible.

Why are my text messages in bold?

Unread text messages are already in bold by default in the Messages app. If the default bold font does not look obvious to you, you can try to change the font size or font style. Do one of the following: To change the font size, go to Settings, tap Personalize > Font size, and select the size you want.

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