WhatsApp is extremely popular in terms of communication. While it was initially developed to provide fast communication between friends and family, it soon became a space for businesses to interact daily – WhatsApp Business.
In this article, we will tackle the practical ways the WhatsApp Business app can help your business.
The Uses Of Business WhatsApp

Business Profile
There are many benefits of a WhatsApp Business account. It helps you to interact with your customers and get feedback from them. One of the features is the business profile.
The business profile is a feature in business WhatsApp that allows you to create a professional profile that can be shared with your customers. This feature is available to businesses of all sizes and industries.
This feature helps you to share information about the business, such as the location and opening hours, with your customers on WhatsApp. It lets your customers contact you through WhatsApp via a quick contact button on the business profile.
The advantages of having this feature are that it makes it easier for people to find your business on WhatsApp, and it helps them get in touch with you or book an appointment with you more easily.
2. Quick Replies
Quick Replies are a great use of business WhatsApp. They allow you to respond to messages quickly and keep your inbox clear. Here are some benefits of using Quick Replies:
- They keep your inbox clean: You can quickly reply to messages without searching through your entire conversation. This saves you time and energy, which you can use to focus on more critical tasks.
- They’re efficient: Quick Replies are quick, saving you time in the long run. They also make it easy for team members to communicate quickly and effectively.
- They’re convenient: Quick Replies allow you to stay connected with your clients and customers even when busy. You can reply to messages immediately without waiting for a response from the other person.
3. Catalogs and Collections
Like many businesses, catalogues and collections can be an essential part of your business communication and WhatsApp marketing efforts. By creating a catalogue or collection of products, you can give your customers a place to find all the products you offer in one place.
Additionally, by compiling this information into an online catalogue, you can provide customers with easy access to your products no matter where they are.
Furthermore, catalogues and collections can be an essential source of revenue for your business. By selling items in your catalogue or collection, you not only generate income from sales but also from the advertising that accompanies these products.
Compiling information about your products into a centralised location can save time and effort on promotional efforts. Finally, catalogues and collections are often helpful tools for customer retention.
4. Setting Away Message
The Away Message is a feature introduced in the latest update of WhatsApp business API. It is a new way to communicate with contacts, unlike the normal WhatsApp chatbot.
It can be used for many purposes, such as sending messages when you are on vacation and letting people know they will not be able to contact you or sending messages when you are busy and cannot answer calls or chat. This way, people will know they should not disturb you and will leave a message for you instead.
The Away Message can also be used for other purposes, such as showing appreciation to your customer service by thanking them for their patience when waiting to answer their questions.
So if you have a business requiring urgency or time-sensitive sales, setting an Away Message on WhatsApp Business API will be very useful in getting people’s attention before they sign up for your services.
5. Label Contacts
Label Contacts is a feature on business WhatsApp that allows users to label their contacts as they, please. This is a great way to organise and keep your contacts in one place. You can also use it to filter out spam messages.
This feature has many uses and benefits for the business world. It’s an excellent way for businesses to keep their employees in contact with each other, as well as stay organised.
One of the advantages is that this can be helpful for businesses that need to categorise their contacts into prospects, leads, clients, vendors, etc.
For example, if you have a lot of leads in your business WhatsApp API that you are following up on regularly but are not quite sure if they are interested enough for you to start selling them products or services yet, then this is an easy way for them to stay organised and remember which ones are more likely to buy from them.
6. Access Message Statistics
Businesses use WhatsApp API to communicate with their customers and employees, but what are the statistics associated with messages sent and received on the app?
Access Message Statistics is one of the uses of business WhatsApp. By analysing these statistics, businesses can find ways to improve their communication process and reach more people with their messages.
WhatsApp allows businesses to access detailed information about messages sent and received. This data includes the date and time of each message, as well as the device used to send or receive it.
This information can help businesses understand which messages are being received more frequently, which groups of customers they are targeting, and which WhatsApp Business platform is being used most often to share messages.
By understanding these trends, businesses can improve their messaging strategy and reach more people with important information. Access Message Statistics is one of many benefits businesses can enjoy using WhatsApp.
7. Automatic Greeting Message
The Automatic Greeting Message is a new feature that will be added to the chat app. It will allow users to set a greeting message for their contacts, so the chat app can automatically send it when they open communication.
Automatic Greeting Message is a feature in WhatsApp that allows you to send a pre-recorded message to your customers when they first contact you. It’s an excellent way for your business to introduce itself and set the tone for the conversation.
This new feature will be handy for business people who want to make a good impression on potential clients and partners. This way, they can greet them with their company name and logo, or any other message they want to share, which would not have been possible before this new update was released.
8. Interactive Business Messages
Businesses can use WhatsApp to keep their customers and employees up-to-date on the latest news, developments and events. This allows businesses to create a more interactive and engaging customer service experience, increasing sales and loyalty.
WhatsApp also offers businesses an advantage over other forms of communication. For example, if there is an emergency at the business, staff can immediately contact customers using WhatsApp without waiting for a phone call or email.
Additionally, because messages are private and secure, businesses can communicate with their employees securely without fear of being eavesdropped on or stolen information.
9. List Messages And Reply Buttons
Business WhatsApp is a new app that has been launched by WhatsApp. This app is specifically designed for business and professional purposes.
Business WhatsApp allows users to create a list of all the messages they want to save and read later. It also has a reply button which can be used to respond to messages directly from the notification without going back into the chat window.
Business WhatsApp also has reply buttons which are one of its most valuable features. The app will notify you when someone replies to your message, and you can then reply directly from the notification without having to go back into the chat window.
Business WhatsApp is an excellent solution for those who want more control over their conversations and need a more professional way of communicating with clients or colleagues.
Business WhatsApp is a platform that allows businesses to send and receive messages from customers, employees, and partners.
- It has features such as group messaging, dynamic texts, and images.
- These features help businesses to communicate more effectively with their customers and employees.
- Business WhatsApp helps businesses to track their sales and marketing activities.

Is WhatsApp business used for personal and business communication?
Messages are encrypted – third parties will not see your messages between you and another person. However, the purpose of having a WhatsApp business account is to separate your work and personal life.
WhatsApp Business: Is it safe to chat with it?
Every WhatsApp message is encrypted before it leaves your device with the Signal encryption protocol. Messages sent to WhatsApp business accounts are securely delivered to the business’s chosen destination.
What are some ways to tell if a WhatsApp number is fake?
Ensure the phone number starts with +91 when you get a message from a WhatsApp account. The first digit of a spoofed number is usually +1. In most cases, it is a fake WhatsApp account when someone from India uses a different country code to send WhatsApp messages.
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